As we embark on a new year filled with resolutions and/or intentions, the Fitness Ministry’s goal is to help you reach yours.  It is through exercise, nutrition and relaxation that a balanced mind/body fitness program can be achieved.

What elements should be included in a balanced fitness program?


Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise

  • Burns calories, resulting in weight loss
  • Conditions your heart and lungs
  • Enhances endurance for all daily activities

 Muscular Fitness

  • Reshapes and sculpts your body
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Improves Posture


  • Increases ease of movement
  • Increases agility
  • Improves range of motion in your joints


  • Relieves stress
  • Clarifies thought
  • Releases muscle tension


  • Lessens risk of disease
  • Improves physical and mental health
  • Encourages weight loss


Setting Your Fitness Goals

What Are Your Goals?

Setting goals is an important first step in beginning a new fitness program. What do you want to achieve in the next six weeks? So you want to lose body fat? Gain muscle tone? Have the energy you need to do the activities you enjoy? It’s important to define your goals – – write them down so you can keep yourself motivated and moving in the right direction.

Be Specific

Specific goals bring about specific results. Vague goals such as “I will lose weight” offer no plan of action or deadline to help you achieve your objectives. Try instead, “I will lose ten pounds in two months by eating nutritious foods and following a regular exercise routine.”

Change for the Right Reasons

Don’t decide to change a behavior just to please others or because you think people will like you more if you change. Your decision to change a habit must be based on your desire to take better care of yourself and get more out of life.

Believe in Yourself

Before you attempt to change a behavior, you must first change your mind-set. Reinforce your belief in yourself by finding realistic role models, people like you who are doing what you’d like to accomplish. If the do it, so can you!

Be Realistic

Be sure your plan of action is realistic and that it can fit into your schedule. Will you really have the energy to exercise after working hard all day? Be flexible and make new changes as easy and convenient as possible.

Anticipate Roadblocks

What could prevent you from achieving your goals? Illness? Fatigue? Lack of time? Make a plan for coping with the inevitable obstacles of life. Most of all don’t let a day or two of relapse cause you to give up on your goals. Do the best you can and get back on track as soon as possible.

Build a Support Team

Utilize the support of family, friends, coworkers and the Fitness Ministry of the Fort. It’s easier to stay motivated when friends, love ones, and fitness professionals support you throughout your program.


Understanding Nutrition

Healthy eating is critical to healthy living. Whether your goal is to lose weight or live a healthy, balanced life, proper nutrition is important to reach total fitness. The combination of regular physical activity and good nutrition can help to lower a person’s risk for many chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Incorporating a balanced diet into a fitness routine can help you feel both mentally and physically healthy, making it easier to meet your health and fitness goals.

The Fitness Ministry, in conjunction with the Health Ministry, will present several important health documentaries this year.


Water And Total Fitness

Drinking eight to ten glasses of water a day is essential to maintain a healthy body and lose weight. Water accounts for a majority of your body composition. To transform your body and achieve your fitness goals, you must supply your body with plenty of pure, fresh water daily. Consume water during exercise to replenish fluids and to enhance the results of the workout.

Water has many benefits. The following are just a few:

  • Water takes the edge off hunger
  • Water cleanses your system, flushing out liver
  • Water regulates body temperature
  • Water carries waste products out of your body
  • Water prevents dehydration
  • Water removes excess fluids from your body


Why Relaxation?

One of the healthiest things you can do for yourself is to relax. Taking time to unwind will slow your heart rate and breathing. It’s also a way for you to rest muscles that have tightened during your day. Even your brain wave patterns slow, matching the ones that appear just before you fall asleep. Relaxation also brings mental rest. This is a time for you to let go of your worry and concern, to focus on your breathing and to calm the inner dialogue. Practice daily relaxation techniques and enjoy greater harmony between body and mind. Relax, and reap the benefits of increased mental and physical energy. Practicing relaxation will help you learn to focus on the connection between mind and body.


Relaxation Basics


Your environment should calm and sooth you. Try to create a special space that is connected with positive thoughts and feelings.


Breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale fully. This is the time to clear your mind and concentrate on how your body feels. If you find your thoughts wandering, repeat a word or phrase in rhythm with your breathing. You can also count backward from 100, keeping your counting in rhythm with your breath.

Early morning nature walks can be relaxing. Stay tuned for announcements from the Fitness Ministry on scheduled nature walks.

It’s our hope that this information will help you become resolute with your fitness and health goals. If you have any questions, send us an email at

*We strongly recommend that you consult your physician before starting this or any exercise program.